Dr. Dhaliwal
Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine (ND)
At Nexus Naturopathic in Calgary, we take a holistic approach to treating the root cause(s) of your health concerns. We work with you to lead a healthy lifestyle that integrates physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing.
Virtual appointments available for Alberta residents!
Education of a Licensed Naturopathic Doctor (ND)To become a fully qualified naturopathic doctor, a four year Bachelor’s degree is required, before attending an accredited naturopathic medical school for an additional four years. While attending the doctoral-level naturopathic medical program, naturopathic doctors complete over 4100 hours studying biochemistry, physiology, pathology, anatomy, microbiology, immunology, pharmacology, neuroanatomy, and clinical diagnosis. This also includes extensive learning hours in clinical nutrition, botanical medicine, physical medicine (osseous manipulation, massage therapy), IV therapy, traditional Chinese medicine/acupuncture, hydrotherapy, homeopathy, and lifestyle counselling. This is followed by 1200 hours of supervised hands-on clinical training. Upon graduation, two sets of North American standardized board exams must be passed to qualify for naturopathic doctor licensure. Naturopathic doctors are regulated nationally by The Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors and provincially by regulatory bodies (such as The College of Naturopathic Doctors of Alberta). To remain in good standing, naturopathic doctors are required to complete continuing education hours on an on-going basis.
What is Naturopathic Medicine?Naturopathic medicine is a distinct primary health care system that emphasizes disease prevention and focuses on treating the underlying root causes of disease. It integrates scientific knowledge with natural therapies including clinical nutrition, botanical medicine, physical medicine (osseous manipulation, massage therapy), traditional Chinese medicine/acupuncture, hydrotherapy, homeopathy, and lifestyle counselling. With additional training, other therapies may include prescription medication (certain provinces), IV therapy, injection therapy, and minor surgery.
Difference Between Naturopathic and Conventional MedicineLicensed naturopathic doctors are primary care providers trained to diagnose, prevent, and treat both acute and chronic illnesses. The difference between conventional medicine and naturopathic medicine is in the philosophical approach and therapies used. While conventional medicine focuses on treating the symptoms of disease, naturopathic medicine focuses on treating the underlying root causes of disease with an emphasis on prevention. Naturopathic doctors use a holistic approach that focuses on all aspects of an individual, including physical, mental, emotional, environmental, lifestyle, genetic, and social. Naturopathic doctors also study additional topics not covered in conventional medical schools. These include clinical nutrition, botanical medicine, traditional Chinese medicine/acupuncture, physical medicine (osseous manipulation, massage therapy), hydrotherapy, homeopathy, and lifestyle counselling. Through collaboration of different healthcare practitioners, the integration of both conventional and complementary approaches can achieve effective results for patients.
What can I expect during my naturopathic visit?During your initial visit, Dr. Dhaliwal will review your intake form and gather a detailed health history, including information about current concerns, past medical history, family history (conditions in the family), social history (lifestyle), and general markers of health. She will also review any recent bloodwork, as well as any current medications and supplements. Following the intake, Dr. Dhaliwal will perform a focused physical exam to further assess your health. Depending on the severity of the complaint, Dr. Dhaliwal may recommend additional lab testing or formulate a treatment plan during the first visit. During your follow up visits, Dr. Dhaliwal may review any additional lab testing, review changes to your health history, assess the state of the illness, address any obstacles to cure, evaluate the effectiveness of treatments that were provided or consider changes to your treatment plan. If a treatment was not provided during your initial visit, the follow up visit will include the implementation of a treatment protocol.
How much does a naturopathic visit cost?The costs listed below include an in-depth case history and discussion with the naturopathic doctor, a focused physical exam, a review of any bloodwork, a review of any current medications and supplements the patient is taking, and next steps regarding treatment. First Visit (60-75 minutes): $185* Second Visit (30-45 minutes): $125* Additional Follow Up Visits: $90* *All lab testing and treatments (such as supplements) are additional costs, however we strive to ensure patients are only recommended treatments that are necessary in achieving their health goals. Additionally, we strive to not overwhelm our patients with treatment protocols, therefore most patients are provided with no more than 3 supplements on any given visit (based on the severity of the case).
Do you do direct billing?Yes, we direct bill to many insurance companies including: Alberta Blue Cross (not Medavie), Sun Life Financial, Green Shield Canada, IA Financial, Equitable Life of Canada, Manulife Financial, BPA, Canada Life, Canadian Construction Workers Union, Chamber of Commerce Group Insurance, CINUP, ClaimSecure, First Canadian, Group Health, Group Source, Johnston's Group Inc., LiUna Local 183, LiUna Local 506, Manion, Maximum Benefit, and many more!
Is there a cancellation policy?A 24 hours’ notice is required for any appointment changes or cancellations.
What do I bring to my first appointment?Please bring the following: 1. Any reports of recent bloodwork (up to 1 year). These can be accessed for free from MyHealth Records Alberta. 2. Any current medication(s) you are taking. 3. Any current supplement(s) you are taking. 4. Any other lab work or imaging reports that you may want to discuss with the naturopathic doctor.
1. First, Do No Harm (Primum non nocere)
Naturopathic doctors strive to provide the least invasive, most effective treatment.
2. The Healing Power of Nature (Vis medicatrix naturae)
Naturopathic doctors believe in the body’s inherent ability to heal itself.
3. Identify and Treat the Causes (Tolle causam)
Instead of simply suppressing symptoms, naturopathic doctors identify and remove the root causes of disease.
4. Doctor as Teacher (Docere)
The relationship between naturopathic doctors and their patients is therapeutic, as patients are inspired and empowered to become leaders of their own health through education.
5. Treat the Whole Person (Tolle totum)
Naturopathic doctors use a holistic approach that not only addresses the physical, but also the mental, emotional, genetic, environmental, and social factors in an individual's life.
6. Prevention (Praevenic)
Naturopathic doctors focus on promoting overall health and wellness to prevent further diseases in the individual.